Conversations Devotions

SuperPower Sunday: Humility

Welcome to Superpower Sunday!

This week’s Super-Character skill is Humility:

Recognizing that God and others are actually responsible for the achievements in my life.

Character Bookshelf Series, Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

James 4:6b

Please Share! In the comments section below, let us know what you learned and tell your success stories from the last week of practicing hospitality. Also, we’d love to read your ideas of how we might exercise humility between now and next Superpower Sunday!

7 replies on “SuperPower Sunday: Humility”

Thank you for bringing this out! I can only try to do better and actually I must; because I’m a true failure in this world and don’t belong in it to begin with; so I’ve been caught up in the mire of a stricken and fallen world that seeks to ruin and vanquish all it can via the Devil, who has far more than a leg up! Because people haven’t been listening to God or meaning it when they say they love Jesus.

Sorry to you and anyone to be so morbid; but I’ve seen too much over the last 15 years and even way more over the last year to not be aware keenly of the tragedy unfolding in supersonic speed.

Just hoping for the best will not cut the mustard at all! We’re in deep trouble. I hope and pray it can be turned right; but it’s all in the Lord’s hands and I better do better is all I know.
God bless you and yours.

Brother in Christ Jesus,
Lawrence Morra III

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It is so encouraging to me to see you listening to God and allowing Him to stir your spirit! I had a pastor years ago who would end each service by saying “Go for God”! You, my friend, are going for God and it is beautiful! I will pray you have the strength to persevere.

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WOW! You are cool and faithful and thank you; that last part has me worried I’m not a young buck anymore and its harder to keep up with all this insanity but I guess I’m willing to kill myself trying! I would rather go down fighting for Jesus and all He represents to this sick fallen world than some whimpering lukewarm fraidy cat!!!

So thank you for your kind prayers and I will say some for you I promise just as soon as I go chill and get my blood pressure to settle here after what I read and commented to just now!

It is encouraging to know a friend like you who sees clearly and is strong in the Holy Spirit as He speaks to us in these dire straits we face!

I’ll catch you again soon or whenever the impulse arrives going either way!
Here is that last comment!

32 Members of Congress Raise Critical Privacy Questions; Demand Answers on Biden Door-to-Door Vaccine Checks (by July 23rd)

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It is so encouraging to me to see you listening to God and allowing Him to stir your spirit! I had a pastor years ago who would end each service by saying “Go for God”! You, my friend, are going for God and it is beautiful! I will pray you have the strength to persevere.

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