Conversations Devotions

SuperPower Sunday: Orderliness

Welcome to Superpower Sunday!

This week’s Super-Character skill is Orderliness:

Preparing myself and my surroundings so that I will achieve the greatest efficiency.

Character Bookshelf Series, Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts

“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.”

1 Corinthians 14:40

Please Share! In the comments section below, let us know what you learned and tell your success stories from the last week of practicing obedience. Also, we’d love to read your ideas of how we might exercise orderliness between now and next Superpower Sunday!

6 replies on “SuperPower Sunday: Orderliness”

Orderliness is a great virtue–we can achieve more in an orderly environment, pushing us further into the “well done” category for Christ! James Clear has written a very insightful book called “Atomic Habits,” good advice for those who need a jumpstart. My two key habits are making the bed first thing in the morning and making sure the kitchen sink is cleaned up before going to bed at night…that way, mornings are sure to have a fresh start. But, as Phyllis Diller once said, keeping the house clean with kids at home is like shoveling snow during a blizzard…dirt and chaos are just inevitable. Still, we gotta keep on shoveling! Best wishes for your busy household!!

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I love order, always have but when we moved overseas to a third world country I learn to put more order into our lives. To be unprepared is hard in the US but in another country, it will get you into deep problems. At 74 I still make my bed first and it makes the rest of my day go better. It helps with ordering my day. Good post.

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