Introductions Vacations

Ireland – It’s an Irresistibly Interesting Island of Intrigue: Introduction

Welcome! Thanks for pausing here! This is an introduction to a series of posts about our trip to Ireland, an irresistibly interesting island of intrigue. My goal is to create a series of short stories about the magnificence and laughs and to share the lessons we learned in case they can help anyone else enjoy a similar kind of adventure.

If you read my last post, you know that I was hit hard by jet lag. Thank you, sincerely, for your prayers and encouragement! I’m happy to report that I’m feeling better.

My mind and body have been recalibrating. Shout out to K.L. Hale from Flannel with Faith for giving me that wonderfully appropriate word. I’m putting together mostly coherent sentences again and I’m so excited to write this introduction and everything that follows about the intrigue of Ireland!


How the Ireland trip came about

I work for a science and technology company with offices all over the world. The team, of which I am currently a part, is based in California, Massachusetts, and Cork, Ireland. And then there is me, working remotely from Arizona. (If you missed the miracle of how that happened, you have to read this post!)

With pandemic restrictions lifted right now, my boss decided to have our October team meeting in person at the Cork site. To be honest, I was nervous to travel so far by myself and took a few days to pray before I responded to the invitation. I have never flown internationally.

My husband suggested he accompany me. He didn’t want either of us to miss what might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Ireland. Once I received permission for him to tag along, my hesitations were greatly allayed.

Our ideas for our introduction to Ireland

We decided to go a couple days before I needed to report for work. We purchased my husband’s tickets on the same planes on which my company had reserved my seats. We booked a hotel room for the extended portion of our trip. We even planned to join a tour bus to see some of the sights.

I have so much to tell you – good, bad, funny, and sad. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! The next several posts here on the Back Porch will be dedicated to sharing my experiences.

Ireland is an irresistibly interesting island of intrigue. Thank you for praying for my travels. Join me next time to hear about our first lesson learned so you won’t make one of our most preventable mistakes. Talk to you then!

“Among the gods there is none like you, Lord;
    no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made
    will come and worship before you, Lord;
    they will bring glory to your name.

For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
    you alone are God.”

Psalm 86:8-10, emphasis mine

35 replies on “Ireland – It’s an Irresistibly Interesting Island of Intrigue: Introduction”

Looking forward to your posts on Ireland. I have worked in Ireland regularly for many years and love being there. Fortunately Dublin is only a forty-minute flight for me from Birmingham in the UK so no jet lag involved.

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Oh, you’re blessed! Part of our team from Scotland came over too and boy was I envious of their commute! 🙂 You live in a very intriguing part of the world, for this north American gal. Thanks for being willing to read my novice take on it. Blessings, David!

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A fascinating novel about Ireland I read in the early 80s just after it came out, is The White Plague by Frank Herbert. Interesting insights into Irish culture as a side-light of the plot. Fun reading, but not for the faint of heart. 😉

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I’ve been trying to get to one book a week but have never got past two per month. But, yes, books open doors to other worlds and minds that we may never experience (or want to!).
But the greatest Book that Anita and I read together every night is Father’s love letter to us, the Bible.
Most people think it is such a LARGE book, that it is intimidating to begin reading, like The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky or Les Misérables by Hugo.
But actually, the Bible is a small library. If one just takes one book a time, it is easy to read through the entire library in a year. The longest books can be read in less than four hours in one’s native language. 😉 And the plots are better than Tolstoy or even Asimov! 😄
❤️&🙏, c.a.

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I read your post about how you began working remotely in Arizona! That’s so wonderful. My husband was working remotely from home due to COVID. We moved to AZ and the SoCal and AZ regions combined! God was looking out for us. My husband’s boss designated him as a “field agent” and he never has to report to an office again. I am so thankful we are here and not paying CA energy costs. FYI, we went to Ireland for my 50th birthday. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures.

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We started with a few days in Dublin, then met friends at their timeshare in a castle in Kilkenny, which was home base. We explored the area including Waterford and Cork. I liked Cork the best. Our friends stayed for another week in Galway.

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100% true! I’m so thankful I got to go! I didn’t make it to Dublin- next time (if there is one) I’d like to hope a train and check out that capital city. Id also like to go to Belfast and see the differences.

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That’s awesome! Child #1 went to Cork, among other cities in Ireland and Scotland on tour with her orchestra. The pics she sent me were fantastic. Can’t wait to here your tales and see the sights through your camera! Blessings.

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My team has a “sister team”, based on CA and Scotland. They met at our Livingston site and then joined us in Cork. I’ll bet they saw many of the same sights as your daughter. What does she play? (Did I already ask you that? If so, I forget the answer.)


She played viola. She was very, very good! (I’m not biased or anything!) No, actually, she played with the best youth orchestra in the country (possibly the world!) and they rivaled the New York Philharmonic! And they were all minors!

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Ireland! I’ve only visited once (in the early ’80s) but it was memorable. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. And don’t feel bad about mistakes…I’ve traveled A LOT and still wind up missing something (preventable) on every every trip…biggest challenge is ALWAYS trying to figure out what to pack!! Always overpacking!

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Yes! This was a hard trip to pack for- work clothes, play clothes, sunny clothes, rainy clothes… and then all the devices for work and play. I packed so carefully, so as not to wrinkle my work clothes, but didn’t realize customs (or someone) would be rummaging through to inspect. Ah, the best laid plans, hahaha!

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Thank you! It was incredible. And you’ve made Italy sound very intriguing as well. I’d love to see your surroundings someday. But until then, keep writing about them so I, and so many of us, can imagine!


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