
Spaces Surging with Stunning Splendor are Something to See #1

Yes! I’m so glad you’re here! I have something spectacular I want you to see. The open spaces around me are absolutely surging with stunning splendor!

Spring seems to have sprung late where I live. It’s already the end of July. But this whole area seems to have suddenly exploded in joyful bloom.

I’ve tried to photograph several varieties of the flowers I’ve encountered the past few weeks. Most are growing wild in open spaces. I have guesses as to what one or two of them might be, but I’m hoping some of you are more botanically inclined and can help me out!

Will you teach me? I’ve numbered the photos below. Hopefully the different reading platforms are all capable of displaying captions.

It takes a beat to load photos, so I’m going to post just a handful a day for a few days. I’d love for you to comment the number and name of any blossoms which you can help me to identify. (Click on the pic, if you like, for larger view and scrolling capability.)

Aren’t they gorgeous!? What an eye God has for decorating, huh? His open spaces around here are stunning in their surging splendor. My photos really can’t compare to the natural thing, but I hope you enjoy them just the same.

Oh, and one last picture just for fun. Do you have dandelions this big where you live? This is something I had never seen before moving to Northern Arizona. I’m used to them being the same size as the face of my watch. I had to put my hand in this photo for reference. This one is more like the size of my actual face!

A dandelion as big as a human head
Look at the size of that dandelion!

Spaces surging with stunning splendor are certainly something to see, aren’t they? I look forward to learning from you. Let me know what you know about these wild and beautiful plants!

And if you’re a novice admirer like me, will you tell me which are your favorites? I know, it’s hard to pick! But I’ve chosen mine. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

27 replies on “Spaces Surging with Stunning Splendor are Something to See #1”

Happy vacation! I think that makes sense – from what I understand, the terrain in the neighboring states of Arizona and Utah is very similar. Have a great time!


Right! When my grandson was here, we let him blow them – it took several breaths! hahaha! I was worried that he’d suck air in to refill his lungs and end up with a mouthful of fluff! I am sure that would have happened to me. But he is an experienced, 3 year old, dandelion blower, so he had no such mishaps. 😀

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Wow, that’s a huge dandelion! I know exactly how you feel. We have a big bloom of wildflowers where I live this year. Number 3 the purple clover I believe. Number 2 looks familiar to me. But i live in Canada, so it may be different.

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Only 1 and 3 came up. One looks like some sort of hollyhock, while I have no idea what 3 is, though it’s very beautiful. I find it impossible to choose between 1 and 3! They’re both gorgeous! Lucky you!

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Yes, loading photos is an issue with the free version of WordPress, which I use. Sorry about that. I’m glad you could see some pretty ones though! I hope they put a smile on your face. 🙂


They did! Finally the rest loaded! The second photo is potantilla. It comes in yellow, pink, and purple. This one is a common bush in the Midwest, so I’m familiar. My ex killed mine. 😡

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You are a wealth of information! Thank you so much for your patience with my photos and for lending your insight. I appreciate you! (Sorry your ex killed your beautiful plant! Hopefully you will have another one day! Plant, not ex, hahaha!)


Wow! Great photos!! Thanks for sharing!! Like you, I get all excited when God’s creation erupts in these fountains of color and beauty. Can’t help you on the plant IDs, can hardly identify the ones around me. But my favorite wildflower name among Appalachian flora is “hearts-a-bustin’-with-love.” That fits the way I feel when I see how God paints His creation canvas for us!

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