
The Amazing News I’m Really Excited to Share – Part 7a

This day both took forever to arrive and got here in the blink of an eye. Do you know what I mean? Have you felt that before?

The amazing news I’m really excited to share is that today is moving day!

For my things, at least. The movers will be here at sunrise. They will load the furniture and the boxes over which I’ve toiled for the past month. My husband and I, however, will stay and ‘camp’ in our empty house until the carpets are cleaned, the nail holes are patched, and our keys are turned in.

I will miss my bed, espresso machine, and Alexa. But it will be an adventure, and it will be short lived. I don’t have to miss my family just yet. They no longer live in this house, but they are still nearby. If you missed out on their amazing provision stories, read them here and here.

I have asked the Lord to give me some verses, on which to meditate as time presses me toward the day we will drive away from our parents, kids, and grandkids. As always, He has been faithful. He wants to help us savor His word. He gave me this for today:

Deuteronomy 5:29
Lord, keep me inclined to revere You!

Yes, it is moving day. And another piece of amazing news I’m really excited to share is that God keeps His promises. I am dwelling on this one today. If my heart is inclined to fear (reverence, regard with awe) my God, He will see that it goes well with me and my children forever.

I must keep my heart aligned and inclined to God’s commands. The best thing I can do for my children is to love and obey their Heavenly Father. He will take care of them.

How are things with you today? If you were to camp in your home without your household goods, what would you miss most? Are you holding to any specific promises today? Feel free to borrow mine if you need one. Do you have any exciting news to share?

24 replies on “The Amazing News I’m Really Excited to Share – Part 7a”

Thank you! A new church will be high priority. Introverts like me don’t like the “church search” so I’m looking forward to being planted. Praying we find the right somewhere, hopefully soon.


I am excited for you and to hear all that God will do both for you and your children in this new season! Yes, He is good and faithful and I am confident that you will know He is caring for all you need. Pretty sure I would miss my mattress and my coffee maker the most in my empty house! LOL Let’s be honest, I need my sleep, coffee and Jesus in the a.m. so that I can be decent the rest of the day! BAHAHAHA Best Wishes on the move! Leigh

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Nope. We are filling nail holes, touching up paint, etc. small stuff, but so much easier after the boxes and furniture are gone. Also, by contract, we have to hire housekeepers, carpet cleaners, window and power washers… so we’re overseeing all of that this week too. This house was in great condition when we got the keys, so to get our deposit back, we need to return it in the same condition. Our home in AZ wasn’t really even clean when we got the keys, which isn’t great- but I doubt we will be expected to jump through all these hoops when we leave it either, so that will be nice 😉


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