
Back Porch Prisms and What They Mean to Me, Episode 2

(Here is a link to Back Porch Prisms, Episode 1 in case you missed it.)

Previously on Back Porch Prisms…

God put it on my heart to have a physical reminder of what He’s called me to embody – something I could see and hold and place where it would catch my attention. I asked Him to show me what that could be. Would you believe He answered me using words He gave me for the intro I wrote when I started my blog?

On my Site and Author Intro, I wrote: “My goal is to be a prism, casting the light of Jesus your way.

I cannot describe the way I felt when I reread those words in my current context. I meant them when I wrote them, but they were an answer to my prayers when I read them again. They inspired me in a whole new way and my heart practically leapt out of my chest! I immediately set about creating my first Back Porch Prism.

What is a Back Porch Prism?

First, I obtained gorgeous, high-quality, cut-glass prisms. I attached them, with a few inches of handmade macramé twirls, to silver rings. I hung a couple from the windows of my house where the most sunlight comes in. Now, my wall or ceiling or floor (depending on the angle of the sun) explodes with color throughout the day.

Click to enlarge any photo in this post.

A collage of photos with rainbows from a prism.
Left to right and top to bottom: My living room with a window prism, close up of the couch and wall, my view as I write my blog.

What They Mean to Me

When I see the augmented light, which shines through these prisms, my heart and face smile. Not only is it radiant, but it reminds me to let Jesus shine through me to people He loves. The other day, I looked at my husband and a rainbow from one of my prisms had alighted across the side of his face. It gave me extra motivation to serve him in that moment.

Next, I did something else… I made one to hang from my car’s rear-view mirror. Yikes! That makes things real for sure! All joking aside, I wanted to place these where they will mean the most and urge me toward Christlikeness. Having one in the car reminds me that God wants to bless other drivers through me.

I have had several requests from family and friends to make and sell these prisms. I’ve been doing so, and together, we are enjoying the tangible reminder to allow Jesus to position us, stretch us, and shine through us in the radiant way only He can.

What I’d Like to Do

What I’d like to do is make these Back Porch Prisms available to you too, my sweet friends. If any of you are like me, and could use a reminder to shine the beautiful light of Jesus in every direction, then I would love to make one for you. In fact, I’d love to make them for your family, your Bible Study group, or anyone else you think would enjoy their beauty and message.

We’re all called to shine the light of Jesus into whatever sphere of influence He’s given us. And I can not imagine a more joyful way to remember than with beautifully colored light scattered into the shadows! All glory to God!

A prism casting rainbows
Could you benefit from a reminder of what God can do with a person correctly aligned to shine His beautiful light?

Please use this link to learn more and to contact me if you’re interested, and we can work out the details.

These Back Porch Prisms mean so much to me because God is using them as object lessons to teach me. In my next post, I’ll share a few of the truths I’ve learned regarding prisms and my purpose. I pray that, by reading about it, you will be blessed as well!

God certainly uses us to push, encourage, and strengthen each other. You all will truly never know how much I appreciate you. May God richly bless each of you as you meet the challenges He brings, and shine His light on the people He puts around you!

15 replies on “Back Porch Prisms and What They Mean to Me, Episode 2”

Mama Lava, I’ve had a glass prism hanging in my sunroom for more than a decade. Every time I see the tiny bits of rainbow it makes me smile. I have mine hung an an invisible thread of fish line. My grandchildren love what we call “dancing rainbows” when we gingerly touch the prism or lightly blow it the rainbows dance all over the room.

I got the idea from the wonderful movie Pollyanna (1960 version starring Hayley Mills). It is a great family movie filled with godly principles to discuss with children or adults.

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Yes! I’ve seen Pollyanna! Such a good movie. When I was a kid, my dad was a choir director. Mid week practice took place in a church member’s home. The kids who had two parents in choir and had to attend too, went to a back bedroom and watched a movie. We had like 3 to choose from and Pollyanna was my favorite! But it has been years!
Since you have a prism, I think tomorrow’s post will resonate with you. I’m excited for you to read it. Thanks for being here and have a wonderful day, my friend!

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Dear Mama, YOU are a prism sweet friend. Years ago I was given a solid triangular prism, much like the ones used in ancient ships. They would place them in strategic places in the evening for the moonlight to reflect and give them light to see. The motivational speaker reminded me that I am a prism. YOU reflect the light of Christ. You ooze with it my friend. Yes, I’m very interested in having one made by you. I will need to wait until the “dust settles” after my trip, the surgery, etc..(after Thanksgiving?). THANK YOU for being you—a light that reflects the light, love, and promise of our Savior! Love and hugs. I LOVE how your purpose circled back to you—isn’t it just a wonderful affirmation? I do love crystals. NOT in a “new age” way, but because of the light they reflect; simply. 💕

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Oh my goodness, if anyone is a prism, it is YOU, sweet friend! You shine so many of the wonderful Christlike qualities we all pursue. And when we’re “around” you (reading your words) we feel bathed in beauty – totally enraptured in the radiance God pours into you which then comes pouring out. I would love to make you a prism any time. I will be praying for you as everything “FALLs” into place. (Seasonal pun intended! 😂)

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Gosh, Mama. I’m always humbled by you. There was a time I was very dim, if not completely black! If it weren’t for Christ’s light I don’t know where I’d be. I’m so glad you feel it; I feel that beauty from you! I loved the pun, btw! Yep, we’re sisters! ❤️🥰💚😂🙏🏻🙏🏻

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We had a prism in the “back room” of our Palm Springs house. I used the room as an office, guest room, etc. I loved the rainbows that filled the room. I’m afraid we left the prism behind closed shutters when we moved. I’ll be placing an order!

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( Genesis 9:11-13 KJV ) “And I Will establish My Covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And GOD Said, This is the Token of the Covenant which I Make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I Do set My BOW ( RAINBOW ) in the cloud, and it shall be for a Token of a Covenant between Me and the Earth.”!!

I am a Devout Conservative Christian ✝ Republican in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸 USA and I STAND with the HOLY LAND of Israel-Yisrael 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 of Israel!! “Pray Without Ceasing” ( I Thessalonians 5:17 KJV ) For USA and Israel-Yisrael and our Christian Earth Forevermore!!

Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! ❤

I Love ❤ you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!


Love ❤ Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/


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