
Spaces Surging with Stunning Splendor are Something to See #3

Welcome back to the “Something to See” mini-series. Thank you so much for joining me. I’m excited to share today’s photos with you! They have me singing a song from my childhood.

Consider the lilies and how they grow, blossoming there in the field 
‘Tis not for their labor they flourish so, flowers of beauty to yield. 
Through the grace of God above, tending all in constant love, 
Every want shall be supplied, for God the Lord will provide.

Consider The Lilies, by Natalie Sleeth

I hope the pictures don’t take too long to load. Your time is precious, and I’m so blessed that you’re spending it here with me, admiring these spaces which are surging with such stunning splendor. I sure wish you could see these colors up close! Feel free to click on any pic to enlarge and scroll through them all.

If you’ve been following these posts, you know that I’d love your input on what kinds of plants these are. Please comment the photo number and any knowledge you have to share. So many of these flowers are new to me.

This isn’t a flower, per se, but this photo is also in my thoughts today.

Large bird with a stunning view from atop of a tall tree
Do you see the special tree-topper?

I took this picture, wondering what it would be like to sit atop the tallest trees. What a stunning view this bird must have had! I suspect this photo came to mind because of the second verse of the song in my head.

Consider a moment the birds in flight, everywhere filling the air. 
With never a worry they seek the height, nourished in bountiful share. 
Through the grace of God above, tending all in constant love, 
Every want shall be supplied, for God the Lord will provide.

Consider The Lilies, by Natalie Sleeth

While the spaces surging with stunning splendor are something to see and savor, they should point us to something even more spectacular. They should remind us that God really cares about us. He knows the details of our lives and gets intimately involved. I leave you with the third verse of the poetic song I just can’t seem to shake today.

For more than the lilies that bloom and grow, more than the birds of the air, 
Your Maker forever your need will know and feed you with heavenly care. 
Through the grace of God above, tending all in constant love, 
Every want shall be supplied, for God the Lord will provide.

Consider The Lilies, by Natalie Sleeth

Blessings, my precious friends. You are loved!

17 replies on “Spaces Surging with Stunning Splendor are Something to See #3”

Love the pic for your heading….the orange and yellow colors along with the flower itself are gorgeous! Love seeing God’s beauty! Best Wishes! Leigh

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While I have always desired to see ‘far’ things ‘up close’, I have not figured out binoculars. I don’t have great eyesight and my glasses are progressive (I see far from the top, mid from the mid, and close from the bottom). I have not figured out how to look at a nearby item (like binoculars) to see far. I also can’t make sense of the sights on my gun because I can’t see the sights and the target at the same time! (I’m not shooting birds… two very different topics, lol!) Oh well – enjoy those birds up close and tell me what you see! haha!

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Flowers are more your thing bc they don’t need binoculars? 😄

I just discovered that binoculars twist on the lens and it adjusts for wearing glasses or not. I didn’t use binoculars bc I couldn’t hold them away from my glasses in mid-air but keep them steady. Would that adjustment help?

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Binoculars are called Nikon Prostaff 7 10×30. I paid $150ish which is too much but it will last me the rest of my life probably. You have lots of wildlife and birds up there to observe!

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I often think about how different the world would look if you lived in a tree. If instead of walking down trafficked streets every morning, I got to scramble up and down tree branches like a squirrel. It sounds so magical.

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