Emotions Reflections

3 Big Reasons I’m Praising God Today: Part 2

Good morning and welcome back! If you’re wondering why I am greeting you with “Good morning” when it could be any time of day where you are, you may have missed my last post. Part 1 is an amazingly encouraging story of God’s miraculous, present-time work, and loving intervention on behalf of mankind. If you are feeling discouraged at all, go read it, seriously! Here is the link.

The 3 big reasons I’m praising God today are:

  1. A record-breaking number of people were baptized on a single recent day. (see Part 1)
  2. I received an unexpected opening to be Jesus to my neighbor.
  3. God is providing for my slow living aspirations.

Big Reason 2: An opening with my neighbor!

It was a cool summer morning, and I was joyfully throwing open each and every window. I couldn’t help but notice the singing birds, so I stood still to take in the sounds. Suddenly, I heard sobs.

I froze in my tracks to listen. Sure enough, someone was crying. It was deep and emotional – the cry of heartbreak. You know how that just sounds different than frustration or anger?

I ran for my phone and texted my neighbor. I asked if she was ok. I explained that I could hear sobbing and was trying to pinpoint where/who it was coming from.

She texted back that she was indeed alright. Her father is ill, and she’d just received a phone call with difficult news about him. She thanked me for reaching out.

I prayed for her right then. My neighbor is not a Christian, so I knew God was using my open window to open one of His own. I thanked Him for letting me be involved and asked Him how to proceed.

I felt He gave me an immediate prompt to bake some treats and deliver them to her with a note that I am praying for both my neighbor and her father. I expect God will direct me further, once I accomplish that task, if there is something more to be done.

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.“

Mother Teresa

This truth is something we need to accept, isn’t it? Sometimes we want to move mountains for someone. We want to get them from unbelief to the prayer of salvation in one fell swoop. We want to see needs and resolutions within minutes of each other.

But our job is to plant seeds, live out the gospel, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. His job is to provide the increase, to cultivate the soil of someone’s soul and to bring them ripe to harvest. We can’t jump ahead of Jesus. He is the one with the ultimate plan and perfect timing.

Today, I’m thankful for the unexpected opening to be Jesus to my neighbor. He is at work next door, and He has given me a job. I will bake the treats, write the note, and see what happens next.

Is there anyone with whom God has given you an opening? If nobody comes to mind, I encourage you to be alert. God is at work all around us, and if we’re available, He will give us opportunities to be involved. In fact, the more we agree to join Him, the more He will bring us in.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…”

Luke 16:10a

Please join me next time for Big Reasons Why I’m Praising God Today, Part 3. I initially thought this would be a single post but decided it would be too long. Thanks for your patience. I pray you are blessed.

12 replies on “3 Big Reasons I’m Praising God Today: Part 2”

It seems just like you to be someone willing to reach out through an open window cry! It’s a wonderful thing to partner with God in loving his kids – especially when they don’t know him yet. I’ve had a few of those situations too. Praying for a distraught stranger in a bookstore was one I’ll never forget. 😉

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I love the Mother Teresa quote. Here’s another quote I read today posted by a fellow blogger, that also goes along with your post:

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” Helen Keller

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Yes, that does go nicely! 🙂 Thank you for bringing it to the discussion. ❤ These observations by Mother Teresa and Helen Keller add dimension to the verse in Luke 16: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” We can't overlook the small things, because they are the building blocks of the big things!

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