
Will You Pray With Me?

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:19, 20

Hi there, my precious friend! I’m so glad you are here today. I’m wondering, will you pray with me?

These next two weeks hold two huge life events for my family. My son is getting married this weekend, and my husband is having total knee replacement surgery next week. There are specific details of each which have me on my knees.

Will you pray with me for my son’s wedding?

Prayer request #1 is for peace to reign.

My son and his bride have put most of their wedding together themselves. My soon-to-be daughter in law just graduated college. They both just started new jobs. It has been a busy, stressful time.

Prayer request #2 is for safe travel.

The bride’s family lives in Texas. My husband, other son, and I live in Arizona. The rest of my family lives in Northern California and Nevada. We will all be traveling to Southern California for the wedding.

I am actually flying to Northern California to drive south with one of my daughters and my granddaughters. My parents and mother-in-law are traveling with my other two daughters and my grandson. My husband and son are driving from Arizona.

Prayer request #3 is that in the name of Jesus, lives and relationships will be mended.

This wedding will not be unlike many large gatherings where family drama threatens to rear its unfortunate head. There are difficult divorces, estranged relatives, mental health concerns, and conflict. We have been praying, with the bride and groom, for the Peace that passes understanding to show up and settle over everyone who attends the wedding festivities. But not just that, we are praying for reconciliation of people to God and each other.

Prayer request #4 is for Christ to be the center of this union “from this day forth”.

Of course, as a mom, I rejoice that my son and his fiancé both love Jesus with all their hearts. I’m praying the wedding will be the first day of a beautiful union which will endure and last a lifetime. I’m praying for the family they will have one day. I’m praying a hedge of protection over their marriage.

Thank you, my dear friend, for praying with me for these things. I will update you with all the ways God answers your prayers. But it might take a couple of weeks because my hubby’s knee replacement is scheduled 2 days after we return home from wedding weekend.

Golden sunlight reflected in church windows.
Oh, that I would reflect the Son as beautifully as these church windows reflect the sun.

Will you pray with me for my husband’s surgery?

Prayer request #1 is for a successful surgery.

This is the second of two major surgeries this year for my husband. The quick backstory is that he blew out his knee before we met 32 years ago. He was playing football in the street; running at full speed, looking over his shoulder to catch a pass and ran into a parked car. His right knee hyperextended upon contact with the bumper.

He has lived all this time with only 1 of 3 working ligaments in that knee. Because he relied so heavily on his other leg, he developed hip issues there. He had a hip replacement in January. Now that he has full use of that joint, and can rely on it for support, it is time to fix his knee.

Prayer request #2 is for less pain and recovery time than expected.

The knee surgery promises to deliver a longer, more painful recovery than the hip operation. This will be difficult for my husband, as he isn’t known to convalesce well. It will be very important for him to follow his doctor’s orders and be patient.

Prayer request #3 is for God to give me the grace and strength to be a good caregiver.

I must admit that my nurse’s hat doesn’t fit well. I am squeamish and do not like to see other people in pain. I have such respect for medical professionals! I’ve taken a couple weeks off work to focus on helping my husband recover, but I need your prayers!

Prayer request #4 is for God to uncomplicate surgery and recovery.

There were some complications with my husband’s hip replacement earlier this year. Extremely low dips in blood pressure meant that recovery staff could not administer substantial pain medication in the hours after surgery. That was awful! Thankfully, the experience informed the surgical team and things can be done differently this time. We do not want a repeat of that after knee surgery.

Oh, my friend, I know I’ve asked a lot. I’m leaning on you heavily with these requests. I appreciate, more than I can express, your willingness to pray with me. And I already look forward to the praise post I will write to recount the many ways God responds!

I have been spending a lot of time in prayer, for these things and others. If you have anything you want me to pray with you about, please let me know. It is always my honor to carry your requests to the throne room of Grace. And if you have any advice about enduring and recovering from knee replacement surgery, I’d love to hear your insight!

“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.”

I Corinthians 1:4

29 replies on “Will You Pray With Me?”

Praying with you on all accounts. We’ve been through very similar situations. God has been with us through them all as I an sure He will be with you as well. Some things take time; especially the relationship issues, but God is always faithful.

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Absolutely!! My calendar is already marked with prayer reminders! Will pray as well for your health and stamina through these rollercoaster days. Take lots of photos so you can remember what happened while your head is spinning!! Blessings to you in the coming days….

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You’re such a gift! The wedding was beautiful! Not perfect, but the stuff that doesn’t go to plan makes it a more memorable event. Lol! I’m definitely breathing a sigh of relief that it is done. The photos I’m seeing from the honeymoon are wonderful. It sure isn’t like it used to be, before phones and social media. A honeymoon isn’t as private as it used to be! Haha!

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Yes! Absolutely! Praying for you now and set a note on my desk to continue over these next weeks. Congratulations on your son’s wedding and gaining a new daughter! May the Holy Spirit’s presence prevail in every encounter. I pray the wedding will be a beautiful, worshipful time that leaves people hungry for Jesus. I’m lifting you all up as the traveling begins and takes you through a variety of places. May you get to enjoy the journey with all the little nuances along the way of God’s goodness. I thank Jesus that he is our healer and will heal relationships and your husband’s knee during this time. An easy surgery and quick recovery in Jesus’s name! Thanks for sharing. It’s a privilege to partner with you and others on your behalf. ❤

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