
Wisdom for the Week February 12, 2023

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Snowy rock and a verse
You are loved!

9 replies on “Wisdom for the Week February 12, 2023”

Thank you, Mama. I appreciate your prayers so very much. It was bittersweet to sell my home and move to the “city”. Last week’s scans showed evidence of improvement! My largest tumors on pancreas and liver are shrinking. The ones in my bones and lymph nodes are peskier. I had a wonderful visit with a Geneticist. I’m feeling more settled; although I still have a bit more furniture to obtain (that’s hard for me after all my “minimalist” years). I’m where God wants me at this juncture ~near family, hospital, and drs. HE’S never failed me. So I moved when I heard him speak. Hopefully I’ll be writing soon. I’m dreading my next treatment (Feb. 21st) as my blood issues and bones cause hard issues. BUT I’m here! I keep it all in perspective, my friend. I can’t stop crying over tragedies in this world (earthquake victims, traffic accidents, droughts, killings,…). I’m no tragedy. I’m blessed and thankful. I appreciate your support, love, and prayers so much. I pray blessings and good health to you and yours! Please take care! 💕❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you for the update that helps inform my specific prayers. I will make a note to be praying on Feb. 21. Is that a one-day thing or the beginning of a new series of treatments? Oh, leaving a home is so hard! Hopefully the peace of settling in to a new one begins to take over the ‘uprooted’ sentiment and brings you joy.
And I hear you – the world is full of tragedy. It is difficult to keep from drowning in it. I keep reminding myself that God’s heart breaks infinity times more than mine. He sees it all and has through all of history. He has promised an end and we must be getting close to it! God bless you, my dear friend.

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Thank you so much, Mama. You have such a beautiful heart. This will be round 3 of 4. From message boards on MD Anderson, Mayo, and Inspire, I’m thankful to God to be on round 3. 4 is all they’ll give. I’m inoperable since it’s metastasized to the bones and lymph nodes. This treatment has proven to add 4-5 years…just no research on bone metastases for this disease ( only 13% of us in a rare group). My hope is in Christ alone! I can’t believe I’ve gone from walking and hiking miles (although I had blood disorder and bone issues before) to barely getting 3 miles a week. I often read what Paul wrote about suffering. It’s been so many years now that I’m just happy to have a “face” to what has been a mystery for so long. God is so good! My sons and family are happy I’m closer to the hospital and my drs. That does give me peace of mind. And more Independence by being able to drive myself to appts (blood sugar issues due to tumors on pancreas and liver). I’m adapting and thankful! I appreciate your prayers, support, and wisdom. I enjoy reading your words when I’m able to be here! May you and your precious family have a blessed week! I remember your move! 💕🙏🏻🥰❤️

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