Emotions Reflections

I’m Looking Forward to Looking Back… Will You Join Me?

My friends, thank you for being here. You bless my heart. This Back Porch community is precious-beyond-belief to me.

I’ve prayed about how to write this post. I really hoped God would provide a way around it. But here we are. I’m looking forward to looking back. Will you join me? Let me explain.

I have an “interesting” couple of months ahead. I intended to write and preschedule posts, so my activities did not affect my blogging schedule. I’ve been writing, for sure. I have a fully loaded drafts folder.

But here is the thing. God gave me the prompt for this year, and it is truth. His truth.

Photo of a flower with John 17:17 overlaid.
My 2024 Handle Verse

I’ve committed to bringing you God’s truth and that is not something that comes from me. I can’t spitball. I write what I feel God is teaching me, I back it up with scripture, and then I must let the Holy Spirit edit it until He gives me peace that it tells His truth and is ready to post.

For whatever reason, I do not yet have this peace about the drafts I’ve written, and I am not going to publish them until I do. I can only assume God has something else in mind. I’ve been asking Him what that is.

I believe He gave me an answer yesterday. Life will take my husband and me to some interesting places (literally and figuratively) in the next 6-8 weeks. So, I will post photos. Some days that might be all it is. But I suspect God will show me His truth in mighty ways and those photos will be prompts for me to share it with you. We shall see!

“For the word of the Lord is right and true;
    he is faithful in all he does.”

Psalm 33:4

Oh, how I look forward to looking back! Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

Are you game to come along on this adventure with me? I am filled with emotion because this is going to be a month or two of extremes. I am going to lean on you. Is that ok? Can I ask for prayer?

“With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel…”

Ephesians 6:18b, 19

I’ll share an outline of what is ahead for me to give you an idea. And then, get ready to see the photos! I think some of them will represent intense feelings… everything from pain and dread to gratitude and gladness. If a photo is worth 1000 words, even one at a time should suffice, right?

  1. My granddaughter is coming to visit! She is 8. She’ll fly in with her other grandma, and her dad will arrive by car a few days later. They will all drive home together, after a 9-day activity-packed visit. This is a huge blessing! And I’m an introvert who relies on downtime, of which there will be precious little. Please pray for my resilience, for relationships to grow, and for me to resound with the love of Christ.
  2. The day after they leave, my husband and I are traveling to Las Vegas to visit his father. Their relationship is tough. His dad left when he was 10, and hardly looked back. In the 32 years I’ve been married to my husband, I can count the times we’ve seen my father-in-law on one hand, with fingers left over. But he is dying. This might be the last chance to say what needs to be said and, more importantly, to share the love of Jesus. My friends, we covet your prayers!
  3. From there, we will fly to Oahu. We had a chance to cash in some miles for free tickets and we took it. We are praying for reconnection there… with the Lord and each other, and with some beloved friends and family who reside on the island. Many of you know we used to live there, and if I’m honest, a piece of my heart still does. Please pray that we will be successful in what we are going there to do, and that I will be content to leave again and face what comes next because…
  4. A few days after our return, I will be having surgery. No surgery is fun. My right arm will be immobilized for 2-8 weeks post-op, and I am not ambidextrous! Will you pray for my husband? I am going to rely on him for so much! And please, pray for me to have supernatural patience, because most of what I do for work, and for this blog includes typing. It will take much longer than usual to hunt and peck my way through reports, correspondence, and blog posts with my left hand.

So now you understand why I wanted to have my drafts finalized and ready to send to you. But God is the boss of that, and He obviously has other plans. I cannot thank you enough for the grace you extend to me. I truly appreciate your prayers. I hope you will be blessed here, as we discover what God is going to show us. Personally, I can’t wait to see what He has in store.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight”

Proverbs 3:5, 6

With that, I am going to sign off. I’m not sure what comes next for the Back Porch. Photos. Discovery. Adventure. Time will tell!

I am immensely thankful that this blog – and that includes it’s community, of which YOU are an integral member, my friend – is in the mightiest of hands and that I have such a wonderful group of readers to join me on this journey of truth, hope, and faith. I am already looking forward to summer, when we’ll be looking back together on all that God does for us this spring.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13
Celebrations Emotions

28 Days of Love, Day 28

(Click on the photo below to enlarge and save.)

A heart-shaped cluster of flowers.
God’s love is as vibrant as this yellow heart made of dandelions.

God’s love is warm and vibrant. He wants us to notice it, to feel it, and respond to it. It is meant to change us.

I hope YOU have been enveloped and enraptured with God’s love this month. I trust YOU have found good hope and eternal encouragement, by God’s grace, because of His love for YOU. Oh, my precious friend, I pray YOU have put YOUR trust in Him, repenting of YOUR sins, and choosing to walk forever in His love for YOU.

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”

2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 (emphasis mine)

Today concludes our 28 Days of Love series. Please feel free to refer to it, whenever you need reminders of God’s love for YOU. Here is one more for the road:

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

1 John 4:16

Thank you for being here. Your daily visits to the Back Porch have been a true blessing. You are so very loved!

(Want to head to the beginning of this 28 Days of Love series? Click HERE.)

Celebrations Emotions

28 Days of Love, Day 27

(Click on the photo below to enlarge and save.)

A white rock in the street.
Day and night, good and evil – contrast is powerful.

This white rock in the black road commanded my attention and brought me to tears. I wasn’t feeling loveable. But God met me with a reminder I couldn’t miss. My emotions don’t change the truth. I am loved!

The same goes for YOU, my friend! Your Heavenly Father has lavished His great love on YOU. If YOU have accepted it, YOU are His beloved child. Some days YOU won’t feel like it, but that is what YOU are!

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1a (emphasis mine)

(Want to head to the beginning of this 28 Days of Love series? Click HERE.)

Celebrations Emotions

28 Days of Love, Day 26

(Click on the photo below to enlarge and save.)

A black heart-shape.
I’m not sure what created this heart on the sidewalk. At first glance, it looks like asphalt from the nearby road. Upon closer inspection, I thought fruit could have dropped from the tree above it and been stepped on by several dirty shoes. Either way, it’s near perfect heart-shape is incredible, is it not?

YOU are deeply loved by the Lord! He chose YOU as firstfruits to be saved and sanctified. He gives YOU His Holy Spirit and enables YOU to believe in the truth. He calls YOU His own!

But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 (emphasis mine)

(Want to head to the beginning of this 28 Days of Love series? Click HERE.)

Celebrations Emotions

28 Days of Love, Day 25

(Click on the photo below to enlarge and save.)

A clay heart.
Even in a mountain of clay, one piece stood out, because of its shape.

The clay rock in today’s photo drew my focus from a whole hillside of clay rocks because I have been looking for things with that unique shape. In the same way, YOU and I should be noticeable to other people looking for evidence of God.

Have YOU ever participated in Twin Day? Who asked YOU to dress like them? YOUR close-knit friends, right? Can YOU believe God calls YOU “dearly loved” and asks YOU to dress like Him?

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12 (emphasis mine)

God loves YOU! I hope YOU’RE growing more convinced of that every day. He asks YOU to resemble Him, because He has chosen YOU!

(Want to head to the beginning of this 28 Days of Love series? Click HERE.)

Celebrations Emotions

28 Days of Love, Day 24

(Click on the photo below to enlarge and save.)

Tiny flowers in heart-shaped clusters.
Notice how the heart shapes are made of many tiny little flowers coming together as one. May we, as God’s beloved children, take on the shape of His love. May we give freely of what we’ve been given!

Oh, my friends, YOU have access to the bottomless resource of God’s love! And so do I. God’s plan is to bestow His endless love on us so we can, in turn, love others. Together, YOU and I can display His love to the world.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. “

1 John 4:11 (emphasis mine)

(Want to head to the beginning of this series? Click HERE.)

Our “Treasures of Truth” Sunday series has been waylaid by “28 Days of Love” in February. But make no mistake about it, God’s love for YOU is true and it is definitely a treasure. In fact, God’s love and forgiveness are the most valuable (and yet free-of-charge) treasures you can ever obtain!