
The Amazing News I’m Really Excited to Share – Part 8

Hello from my indoor campsite! As I write, I’m perched on my inflatable mattress in my empty house. My husband and I have stayed behind to repair, clean, and tend to all the necessary little things which must be done before returning the keys to our landlord. It is surprising how much sound travels and echoes in a home without furniture.

The amazing news I’m really excited to share happened last week.

It happened twice, actually, on Tuesday and Saturday. Tuesday was the day we moved my daughter into her new apartment. Saturday, movers came to take our things out of state. There were two days last week, on which rain was predicted. Can you guess which two?

The amazing news I’m really excited to share is that God controls every detail and He mercifully held back the rain!

I’m pinching myself at how intricately involved in this move He has been. There is very little I can do to adequately thank Him, but I can testify of His goodness and power. And that is exactly what I’m aiming to do with this Amazing News series.

Tuesday and Saturday

Oh my goodness, Tuesday morning, we woke to incredibly heavy rain! I expected to get completely soaked carrying my daughter’s things. By the time she picked up her keys, not only had the rain stopped, but the sidewalks were also completely dry! What a blessing!

Saturday was our moving day. The weather report predicted 80% chance of rain, starting at 7am – right when the movers were to arrive. It never came. It was cloudy and cool, but there were no more than a few sprinkles of precipitation all day.

Screenshot of an hourly weather report showing rain expected
Screenshot shows rain to arrive later than expected.
Screenshot of an hourly weather report showing no rain expected until late afternoon
Screenshot shows rain delayed further.

At the risk of sounding bratty or ungrateful, I started to wonder why God was blessing us so much. Why did He provide an amazing home for us, miraculous apartments for our kids, continued employment for me, and even hold back inclement weather for us? It seemed like too much.

There have been many other times when we were sure we were doing God’s will, but nothing went right. That is Biblical – look at Job. He was pleasing God completely, yet catastrophe, after catastrophe, came His way. (Job 1-2:10)

There is also scriptural precedence for things going smoothly, against all odds. Take Joshua, for example. God told him to lead an army to take the city of Jericho, but when they got there, God just wanted them to march around the city until He brought the walls down. It was unexpected, but they obeyed and enjoyed tremendous success. (Joshua 6:1-20) I am experiencing that kind of wonder.

Rainbow over a city next to the water
Photo by Matthias Zomer on
God of wonders…

If you’ve been reading this series, you know God gave us clear direction about moving to Arizona. It didn’t make immediate sense, and we wavered in our obedience. He didn’t pave the way until we stepped out in faith and began the process. Once we did that, He stepped in and has miraculously worked out the details, one after the other.

I know there are many people around the world, and even within my reach, who are suffering extreme setbacks. And here I keep showing up with more amazing news I’m really excited to share. So many of you are happy for me, and so sweet in your support.

But I’ll bet some of my readers are wondering why God is choosing to bless me, while they are also doing the right thing and are suffering hard things. I asked Him about it today. I wondered flat out, “Why are You being so nice to me?” I felt like He gave me an answer and I wanted to be open with it.

Double rainbow over some rural homes.
Photo by Craig Adderley on
God chose a phenomenon of weather as a sign that He keeps His promises.

When I asked God why things were going so supernaturally smooth with this move, He impressed on me that something was coming which would make me question it all. He is being undeniably apparent in the process now, and giving me the words to blog about it, so I will have the proof and accountability to stand with confidence later.

When the enemy comes and says we shouldn’t have left our family, or whatever else happens, I will be able to look back at my own record of the scriptures, words, and miracles God gave me. It makes me nervous to know we’re going to need such reassurance, but it also makes me resolute.

God said it, we did it, He’s blessed it. Whatever He allows next is His prerogative and I will submit. I am thankful that God has put His fingerprints on every step of this process. I am awestruck at what I’ve seen as I’ve watched Him work.

Thank you, my friends for graciously connecting to this story as it unfolds. I have a few more posts-worth of amazing news that I am really excited to share. This move is almost done! I appreciate the chance to testify to the omnipotence of our great God. And I’m extremely grateful for YOU.

15 replies on “The Amazing News I’m Really Excited to Share – Part 8”

Oh my!!!! I do need to catch up. How exciting and I am so excited for you . Congrats! I can’t wait to read more on your new chapter. God is with you my friend. Well deserved . But sadly must go for now. Lol been a bit busy but it’s all good . ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your testimony …. I have definitely been encouraged by all that God is doing in your life. It makes me happy to see others fulfilling their purpose and receiving His blessing! Have a great weekend and always … Best Wishes! Leigh

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Thank you for sharing all of these things with us. I want to encourage you. Many years ago, my husband and I had the biggest move of our lives and although people kept telling us about the amazing things God was going to do, we both felt like the Lord was warning us not to listen, because it wasn’t going to be easy or smooth. One person gave us a word from the Lord right before we left and it was what we went back to time and again. God has used that challenging season to change us and our children in amazing ways and we are so grateful for it. Our faith was tested and tried, our hearts were molded and shaped and we were better for it all because God was tilling us and revealing those things under the surface He wanted to deal with. Be encouraged! Seasons of change and stretching are actually incredible blessings! Because after God did all the tilling, He planted and we are now enjoying the fruit of that. It’s truly a wonderful gift. God bless you. I’ll be praying for you. ❤️

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Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve also had a few seasons like that and, although they are not fun, they have shaped me more into who God wants me to be. They don’t call it the refiner’s fire without reason! Thankfully God allows seasons of cooling- time to watch Him work and remember how worthy of our trust He is, even when His plan takes us back into the fire. I really appreciate your encouraging words and your prayers. Even your name is spectacular. I can just hear Him saying “I’ve brought you Hope” 😉


Oh! Thank you, dear! That blesses me. ❤️ I’m glad you know and have the assurance that God is working through all things. I love the verses the Lord has been blessing you with. Thank you for sharing all of this with us. 💞

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Isn’t God good? I absolutely love your authenticity and honesty. We serve a God that still works miracles! I look back at what brought me to my little house ~through every trial and blessing, HE was at the center. I truly believe, as Paul shared with the Romans, HE will work out all things for the good for those that follow, love, and obey. Your testimony is a blessing. And I’m thrilled for all of you. 💛♥️🤗🙏🏻

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God is so good! Truly, He is the only One who can work anything out for good – in my own power, try as I might, I find that what is good for one person hurts someone else and around and around it goes. Only God can work details so efficiently that they effect good for everyone! Blessings, Karla!

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