
Something of Value Learned from Snow People on the Trail

Hello, my friends! How are you? It’s been a pensive several days for me. But there was a highlight; something of value learned from snow people on the trail.

Lately, I’ve been in my head. That sounds funny, but do you know what I mean? Are you familiar with that place where you retreat so deep you lose awareness of what and where you are? I made up a short ditty of a prayer to help me out.

I don’t wanna be stuck in my head.
Lord, please set me in Your Word instead.

Mama Lava

My head is a place of insecurity and lies. What I think about myself when I’m stuck there is not what God says about me. It isn’t a place I want to spend my time.

This post is to remind myself, and all of you, that God is good. He brings joy, even in hardship. Do you know how He did this for me?

Snow people.

I went for a walk to think and pray. I was trying to keep my mind focused on the truth of God’s word as I trudged down the trail in calf-deep snow. I stopped when I saw this snow person smiling at me. Someone had built it and left it to bless future passersby, of which I was one. I felt my face smile.

A snowman with pine cone eyes.
This smiling snow person greeted me on the trail. Don’t you just want to smile back?

Because the uneven footing required me to watch my steps and my head was down, I did not see the many snow people dotting the trail ahead. It wasn’t until I encountered the second one that I looked forward.

A snowman with a long twig nose
The second snow person I encountered. I couldn’t help but wonder about the unique nose. The mess scattered around suggests the possibility of hair and a broom at one time.

Aren’t they cute? I felt joy as I imagined the couples, families, and creatives who took the time to build and leave these adorable works of art. I grinned as I thought about the snowball fights and laughter they surely enjoyed as they went.

Snowman with a carrot nose
This one has a real carrot nose!
A snowman on a rock
This is one of my favorites! Its billowy hat matches the clouds.

I pictured groups of people posing for photos with their creations, possibly lending their own hats and gloves, as my family and I have done in the past. I envisioned the snow people with plaid scarves and dignified top hats. This one looked like it had been built to sport a beanie.

Pointy headed snowman
This one looks like its head was made for a beanie. Or maybe it was wearing a party hat of snow!

The trail wound around and brought me, one by one, into the presence of several snow people. They brought me completely out of my head. They seemed to remind me that I, too, have an intentional Creator who placed me on this trail to smile at others.

Snowman with a flat head
Melting but still adorable!
Snowman missing part of his face
Aging but still smiling
Snowman with jagged edges.
Roughly built, but angelic, don’t you think?

Like some of these snow people, I’m a bit worse for wear. Time has aged me, heat has damaged me, and winds have changed me. My fancy accessories are gone.

But I don’t mind those imperfections when I look at these snow people. They make me smile just as they are! God showed me the false nature of that voice my head which highlights my surface-level insecurities. He assured me that I could trust Him and His plan for me.

Not only that, but He also reminded me that He sees me perfected because of His Son. I am a new creation, as His Word says. To Him, and for His purpose, I am like this snowman, obviously made with extreme care and gifted with adornments to keep.

Snowman with hat, scarf, and gloves
Created with forethought and love, and gifted with adornments to stay.

God gave me a distraction, got me out of my head, and let me learn something valuable from the snow people on the trail. They brought me such joy. I hope they do the same for you! What has made you smile lately? I would love to hear about it!

24 replies on “Something of Value Learned from Snow People on the Trail”

That’s beautiful! Interesting also because I’ve been thinking more about getting a new dog. (Mine passed away last April). The shelter by us is full, and they are asking people to foster, which seems like a perfect opportunity to get some fur therapy. But my husband had surgery recently and I believe it would be wise to let him fully recover before committing to care for a dog. Give yours a hug from me! 🤎


Awwww… they’re cute! I especially like the angel! I remember once, long ago, when I used to visit Dr. Vos for voice lessons, one of her neighbors made a huge lying down dog out of the mounds of snow we had gotten. It was adorable and lasted for a long time as it was so big. Kind of like Clifford, but white!

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Yeah. Wisconsin winters are no joke. Currently, we’re experiencing 30’s – 40’s, which is awesome, but sooner than later we will have lots of cold and snow. 😔. On the other hand, I don’t like big bugs, and the cold here kills off the worst of them! So, all in all, I’ll take the cold over big bugs and snakes! Yuck!!!

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Wow! What a great collection of snow people. They made me smile too. Once again, you’ve found God-speak in your every day surroundings. Thanks for sharing! I’m glad you were able to get out of your head and into his joy! On Friday, I took a walk at a nearby park and then walked home. It was a wonderful date with Jesus! A downpour started as I walked home, but I laughed, prayed, sang worship songs, and had a wonderful time even though I was soaking wet and exhausted when I arrived (4 miles total!) I’ll have to write a blog post so I can show my pictures too!

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