
Will You Praise with Me? The Wedding

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Can I just say how amazing you all are? Your response to my post, “Will You Pray with Me” was incredible! I received many encouraging and reassuring messages that you were remembering my son’s wedding and my husband’s surgery in your prayers! Seriously, you all are the best!

And now I am honored to update you with raise reports! Let’s start with the wedding. It is so fun to come back and testify to some of the many ways God showed up and answered your prayers. I have 4 specific praises to share.

Will you praise God with me for my son’s wedding?

Praise #1: the stress melted into peace.

Two men in suits
My son and his pastor/mentor

When I shared my prayer requests with you, I mentioned that my son and his bride were putting their wedding together themselves. She was also finishing college and they were both beginning new jobs. It was busy right up to the day of their ceremony.

But as the special day unfolded, the stress melted away. The Holy Spirit’s presence was palpable at the wedding, and He was a topic of many conversations as people testified to experiencing Him there. Praise the Lord!

Praise #2: God provided safe travel.

Two women and two girls dressed up.
Me, my daughter, and my granddaughters
A man and a boy by a pool.
My husband and my grandson

The wedding was in Southern California. Members of the bride’s family flew in from Texas, and we live in Arizona. I flew to Northern California to drive south with my daughter and my granddaughters. I love to be the passenger on road trips, but this time I was the driver, which made me nervous. I did get pulled over once (Eeps!) but it wasn’t for anything major, and I did not receive a ticket. Phew! Everyone arrived to the wedding and home again safely. Thank you, Jesus!

Praise #3: God was at work in relationships.

You all were praying for strained relationships to be mended in Jesus’ name. This large gathering brought people together who would not have otherwise chosen to be in the same place. I did not see any giant relational breakthroughs, but I know God is always working. Will you praise Him with me for what He will do to create peace in all our families in the years to come?

A bridal party preparing for photos
The black and white theme was not only for the wedding party, but for the guests as well. It made for some stunningly cohesive photos!

Praise #4: Christ was the invited guest of honor “from this day forth”.

The bride and groom made Christ an honored guest, inviting Him to be the center of their marriage. They asked those in attendance to keep them accountable as well. It was a powerful example of their faith! I know Jesus will be the “secret sauce” to keeping their relationship vibrant, cohesive, and effective for His kingdom.

Three men in suits
My husband and two sons just before the ceremony.
An older woman embracing a bride.
My new daughter-in-law and I at the reception. I had the amazing opportunity to pray over her just before she walked down the aisle to marry my son. In truth, I’ve been praying for her since before she was born – since the day I found out my 3rd baby would be a boy.

Thank you so much for praying and praising with me over my son’s wedding. I have one cherry-on-top to share: the weather was perfect! Wispy white clouds floated across the blue sky and kept the temperature for this outdoor wedding from being too hot (which would have been typical for this time of year in that locale). Just the next day, rain was forecasted.

We are all so, so grateful for the way God controlled that which only He could! It was a beautiful wedding! Thank you for praying with me.

Will you praise with me? And I really hope you’ll join me next time so I can update you on my husband’s surgery. Until then, my dear Back Porch friends, may you be incredibly blessed for the kindness you’ve shown to my family and to me!

23 replies on “Will You Praise with Me? The Wedding”

Yay!! I’ve been wanting to ask how things have gone!! So delighted with this update. You and your family are just beautiful. What a blessing to hear that your son and bride put Jesus at the center of their wedding—will pray that their love for Him and each other grows stronger as the years, trials, and blessings come their way. Have a wonderful day!

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Beautiful and soul inspiring Mamalava. A foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb prepared for each of us in Him.

“Christ was the invited guest of honor “from this day forth” . . . we’re this the invitational vow of all marriages that would eradicate the brokenness of divorce.

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Amen! I sure wish people really lived that. Society would be very different in many ways! And now I’m needing to contemplate- is there any area of my life where I’m not living that? Hmmm…


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